Projeto 25 anos Eco-Escolas | Trabalhos 2022

 Atividade 1 – Realizar uma coreografia com a música e letra originai

Escola Básica de Chouselas (Vila Nova de Gaia)

Memória descritiva:
The idea of ​​creating this project arises from the interest of the community
school in participating in events related to Eco-Schools, especially in its 25
years of existence.
This project aims to sensitize teachers and students to a more
sustainable. “For the benefit of the environment and sustainability”, this school seeks
raise awareness of practices that promote a healthier and more ecological life.
Challenged to create a choreography for the theme “Polar Bears in Beds of Roses”, they were
images were collected, posters were created to explain the issue of the environment,
requested and gathered by students and teachers recycled and reused materials to
make the recreation of the original music video more reliable.
The choice of location was the outer space of the school and took into account the entire environment in
that students are included and in which they feel good and happy.
This activity is part of the Eco-Escolas 25th anniversary project and is not
could no longer have all the students of the school as participants.
Recycled and reused materials collected by the entire community were used
involved, with no place at any cost.
It was, therefore, an enriching project that was reflected in an added value for
students and teachers, making them more informed, sensitized and responsible towards
all environmental and sustainability issues.

Nome e idade dos alunos:
First Grade

Link do Vídeo com a coreografia:

Clique aqui para ver o vídeo na página do YouTube.