Lesley Jones was elected as President of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) in September 2016. She has been on the Board of FEE for 10 years, initially as the Board representative for Eco-Schools and then Vice President. During that time, Lesley has led the development of an innovative 10-year strategy for FEE – GAIA 20:30 which will steer the work of FEE and our members in tackling the climate and nature emergencies that are facing us as a world. Lesley has represented FEE at events both physically and virtually around the world. This has included the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development in Japan and speaking at events during COP21 and COP26. She also represented FEE at the first ever live announcement of Blue Flag Awards at an event in Greece and spoke at the final plenary session of the International Education for Sustainable Development Conference in India which was held back to back with the FEE General Assembly. At the Volvo Ocean Race Summit in Cardiff in 2018, she shared a platform with leading environmentalists and business leaders talking about the FEE programmes. Lesley Jones recently retired as CEO of Keep Wales Tidy, the FEE member for Wales, after 12 years at the helm. In her leisure time, Lesley enjoys spending time with family and friends and walking in nature with her beloved dogs Ruby and Blue. |